LAUNCH your future
Ace the SAT. Build your Masterpiece, DOMINATE college admissions…
Are you ready?
Why do SAT Launch?
THE go-to solution for students looking to gain a competitive edge in college admissions
15x your chances over your peers and enjoy a 75% chance at Ivy League admission
What YOU Gain
Elite Outcomes
Through daily SAT practice and an Olympic-level “Masterpiece Project”, participating students enjoy a 75% chance at Ivy League admission. We coach our students toward a 1550+ SAT score, or 100-point increases every 100 days, and provide individualized roadmaps that deliver them to that point. In addition, students receive project consultation and workshopping that facilitates the venture development portion of the program.
Exclusive Access to World-Class Resources
Our interconnected ecosystem of teenage entrepreneurs, real world advisors, and cutting-edge thinkers provides world-class support and resources for every student involved. Nowhere else can teenage students be surrounded by other innovators who are equally as excited as they are to see their entrepreneurial vision come to fruition. No matter how big the idea or mission, we have the team and the finances to make it happen.
Personalized , Convenient , Flexible
Our academic software assesses student readiness for the SAT and employs an individually tailored approach to mobilize each student to the 1550+ target. It is also adaptable to students’ schedules and makes it easy to engage from anywhere, regardless of the circumstance or setting. Our SAT Prep is done completely online, complemented by in-person strategic Masterpiece consultation from the best coaches in the business.
Meet the Coaches
“Everyone needs to know about SAT Launch… those who don’t will regret it!”
Olivia Attia
“I got a near-perfect SAT score and started building out my dream app with developers in just 2 weeks!”
Keyen Gupta